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Discover the Clarity of Scleral Lenses at Diamond Vision

We specialize in offering advanced eye care solutions, including revolutionary scleral lenses. Scleral lenses are a game-changer for individuals experiencing various eye conditions, designed to provide superior comfort and sharp vision. Let’s explore how scleral lenses at Diamond Vision can transform your visual experience.

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What Are Scleral Lenses?


Enhanced Comfort and Vision

The design of scleral lenses offers unparalleled comfort, making them suitable for all-day wear. They are especially beneficial for those with sensitive eyes or conditions like dry eye syndrome, as they maintain a hydrating tear reservoir between the lens and the cornea.

Versatility for Various Eye Conditions

Scleral lenses are highly effective for managing conditions such as keratoconus, severe dry eyes, and other corneal irregularities. They provide a smooth optical surface over irregular corneas, delivering clearer vision.

How Do Scleral Lenses Work?

Scleral lenses work by creating a tear-filled vault over the cornea. This vault corrects vision by providing a uniform refractive surface, improving visual acuity for conditions that cause irregularities in the cornea’s shape. The fluid cushion also offers protection and healing benefits for the eye’s surface, making scleral lenses an excellent option for dry or sensitive eyes.

Advanced Comfort and Clarity: Personalized Scleral Lens Care

We pride ourselves on our personalized approach to eye care. Our team of skilled optometrists utilizes the latest technology to custom-fit scleral lenses for each patient, ensuring optimal vision, comfort, and eye health. Whether you're dealing with a complex corneal condition or seeking a more comfortable alternative to traditional lenses, Diamond Vision is here to guide you through every step of the process.


Getting Started with Scleral Lenses

Our process begins with a comprehensive eye exam to assess your needs and determine if scleral lenses are the right choice. We then take precise measurements of your eyes to design lenses that offer the best fit, comfort, and visual acuity.

Contact us to explore how scleral lenses can transform your vision experience.

Experience the Clear Choice at Diamond Vision

If you've been searching for a solution to complex vision challenges or seeking a more comfortable lens experience, scleral lenses at Diamond Vision in Long Island may be the answer. Our dedicated team is committed to enhancing your vision and quality of life through personalized eye care solutions.

Ready to explore the benefits of scleral lenses for yourself? Contact Diamond Vision to schedule your consultation. Let us help you see the world with new clarity and comfort.


Our office will be closed for renovations. Unfortunately, we have very limited hours. Please call our office if you have any questions or concerns or need to order contact lenses or eyeglasses.

If this is an emergency, or of great importance, please call 516-766-2423.